Phlebotomy Certification

Medical Career Academy – Phlebotomists Answer 6 Common Questions About Their Job

Being a phlebotomist isn’t easy. You have to go through a lot of things to be able to get out there in the real world. Therefore, studying hard and knowing the right answers to questions that will make you be a successful phlebotomist is a must.

Typically, phlebotomists collect blood samples from individuals for medical or insurance reasons. Their role is crucial in the diagnosis, treatment, care, and health of individuals. Here are some of the questions a phlebotomist must be able to answer correctly:

  1. What angle should the needle be inserted into the arm?

There are some cases when a facility may be liable for an injury due to incorrect needle insertion. A phlebotomist should know exactly the right needle angle. The best advice here is to enter the skin at the lowest angle possible.

  1. How quickly should you apply a bandage on the extraction site?

The standard time here is not to let patients bend the arm up, and the phlebotomist must ensure the bleeding has stopped. A phlebotomist should know the best time to release pressure and apply the bandage to the extraction site.

  1. Can you puncture the first good vein you find?

The standard here is to choose a media or cephalic vein before drawing from the basilic. You only need to draw from the basilic being when no other antecubital vein is accessible.

  1. What constitutes proper patient identification?

You should know that identification bracelets are not 100% accurate, which means they shouldn’t be trusted fully. Instead, you should identify patients by affirming their name, address, and birthdate. As much as possible, have them spell their last name, and compare the information given with the information on the order.

  1. How can you protect fainting patients from sustaining injuries?

You need to make sure the patient is either lying down or seated in a chair with armrests when drawing blood. Make sure not to leave the patient’s side throughout the procedure in case they pass out. It’s also important to ask the patient if they’ve ever fainted during a blood extraction and if they feel okay before sending them out.

  1. What do you do when a patient complains of shooting pain?

If a patient expresses excruciating pain during the extraction, or even tingling or numbness in the hand or fingers, you need to discontinue the procedure immediately. You might want to make a second attempt but in a different location. This is because these are symptoms of impending nerve injury, and other reactions can bring liability.

If you answer right to all these questions, then you’re on the way to being a certified phlebotomist and beginning your medical career.

Get Your Phlebotomist Career on the Right Track

Being a phlebotomist requires a lot of knowledge, skills, and experience to help you get things right. Since you will be dealing with real people and anatomy, you need to have the best education and training. That’s why you need to choose a facility that can help you become the best in your chosen career path in the medical field.

Medical Career Academy offers phlebotomy training in Highland, Indiana. We are dedicated to providing each student with the highest quality education. Contact us today!

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